Przegląd Historyczno-Oświatowy 3-4 2018
The Journal of History and Education 3-4 2018 [view]
BOŻENA SIERADZKA-BAZIUR: The evolution of scientific language of pedagogy on the example of Książki o wychowaniu dzieci [Books on children’s upbringing]
by Erasmus Gliczner in the context of contemporary determinants of the language of science
(DOI: 10.17460/PHO_2018.3_4.01)
pages: 5-16
GABRIELA PAPROTNA: Educating female preschool teachers on the territory of Poland
in the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. An outline of the problem
(DOI: 10.17460/PHO_2018.3_4.02)
pages: 17-32
WIESŁAWA LEŻAŃSKA: The image of the early school education teacher
in the pedagogy of Stefan Szuman (1889–1972)
(DOI: 10.17460/PHO_2018.3_4.03)
pages: 33-47
KRZYSZTOF JAKUBIAK: A historiographical, historiosophical and pedagogical discourse
about the national character of Poles from the turn of the 19th century to the 20th century
(DOI: 10.17460/PHO_2018.3_4.04)
pages: 48-58
JOANNA SOSNOWSKA: German education in Łódź before 1914 – the organization, structure,
and the directions of development
(DOI: 10.17460/PHO_2018.3_4.05)
pages: 59-82
JERZY DOROSZEWSKI: The educational and cultural activity of teachers’ seminars
in Poland between 1918–1937
(DOI: 10.17460/PHO_2018.3_4.06)
pages: 83-102
WIESŁAW THEISS: The participation of Helena Radlińska in the European social a
nd pedagogical movement (1918–1939)
(DOI: 10.17460/PHO_2018.3_4.07)
pages: 103-120
ELŻBIETA MAGIERA: The formal aspects of the activities conducted by School Students‘ Sightseeing Clubs
in the Second Republic of Poland (1918–1939)
(DOI: 10.17460/PHO_2018.3_4.08)
pages: 121-141
EDYTA KAHL-ŁUCZYŃSKA: The peculiarity of the ideological pedagogy as a scientific basis
of Socialist education in People’s Poland – source, idea, implementation
(DOI: 10.17460/PHO_2018.3_4.09)
pages: 142-183
LUDWIK GRZEBIEŃ: Reflections on the historiography of the Commission of National Education
in the last 50 years
(DOI: 10.17460/PHO_2018.3_4.10)
pages: 173-183
REV. ANDRZEJ PAWEŁ BIEŚ SJ: The Jesuits as the body of teachers and the body of students
in the Russian empire 1773–1820
(DOI: 10.17460/PHO_2018.3_4.11)
strony: 184-196
JÓZEF MIĄSO: Engraved in memory. A fragment of autobiography
(DOI: 10.17460/PHO_2018.3_4.12)
pages: 197-216
ŁUKASZ KALISZ: Charitable work of rev. Karol Lubianiec (1866–1942)
(DOI: 10.17460/PHO_2018.3_4.13)
strony: 217-227
TERESA ZANIEWSKA: Rev. Dr. Bolesław Domański (1872–1939), a priest with the Rodło emblem
(DOI: 10.17460/PHO_2018.3_4.14)
pages: 228-248
Mieczysław Ryba: Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski. Korzenie, początki, źródła tożsamości
[The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. Its roots, beginnings, and the sources of identity],
Warszawa–Radzymin 2018, p. 176
pages: 249-251
Witold Chmielewski: Zwalczanie wychowania religijnego w szkołach w latach 1944–1950
[Combating religious education in schools between 1944‒1950], Kraków 2017, p. 283
pages: 252-256
Z badań nad tradycją polskiej pedagogiki. Tom IV. Władza – edukacja – wiedza
[From the research on tradition of the Polish pedagogy. Volume No. 4. Power – education – knowledge],
scientific ed. J. Król, Szczecin 2016, p. 209
pages: 257-261
Robert Marcin Solis: Problematyka kościelna w pamiętnikarstwie polskim XIX wieku
[The issue of church in Polish memorials in the 19th century], Lublin 2018, p. 141
pages: 262-264
ALICJA ZAGRODZKA: The report from the meeting of the Team of the history of education
at the committee on pedagogical sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, 11 October 2018
pages: 265-269
JOANNA SOSNOWSKA: The scientific conference: Sciences on education after the restoration of independence. Pedagogues ‒ Institutions ‒ Literature, Łódź, 17 September 2018
pages: 270-273
ANNA WOJEWODA: The scientific seminar: The history of education in pedagogical press,
Obrzycko, 27–28 June 2018
pages: 274-275